For the last few weeks WhatsApp working on some serious privacy features. and finally, they revealed their new whatsapp features are coming in the upcoming new update. currently, it’s in the beta version. Mark Zuckerberg has announced that WhatsApp is rolling few new privacy features.
Our mission is to connect the world privately by designing a product that’s simple and private. Whether you are sending a personal message to your friends or family or texting with a business, your communications are secure and you are in control.
WhatsApp 3 New Features: Here’s The List And Details:

Hide Online Status On Whatsapp
- It is pretty easy to hide your Online Status on WhatsApp. You just need to open WhatsApp and go to Settings > Account > Privacy. Here, you will find a “Last seen and online” option on the top of the screen. You simply need to tap on that to access the feature.
Leave WhatsApp Group Silently
WhatsApp announced three new privacy update Tuesday, one of which will let you leave a group chat without alerting the entire group. The Meta-owned company says it will add the ability to leave groups silently, meaning that administrators will still get an alert but everyone else in a group chat will not.
Screenshot Blocking – View Once
- Screenshot blocking for View Once messages will essentially prevent recipients from taking a screenshot of disappearing media, finally making the feature useful. It is currently being tested and will roll out to all users soon.
So yeah, within the next few months, Meta (formerly Facebook) will bolster the privacy features in WhatsApp to offers user more control over their online presence. Which of these features are you most excited for? Tell us in the comments section below.