boAt has officially announced its new smartwatch – the boAt Watch Xtend in India recently. The company had teased the launch of this new smartwatch last month. This new offering from boAt comes with Alexa voice assistant support. The boAt Watch Xtend smartwatch has a square LCD 2.5D curved screen, 5 ATM water resistance, and has over 50 cloud watch faces with the boAt wave app. It is equipped with features like music controls, find my phone, and many more. Let’s take a look at the boAt Watch Xtend smartwatch Price, Features, and Specifications.
boAt Watch Xtend Pricing
Boat Xtend has been launched at an attractive price of Rs 2999 with a 1-year standard Industry warranty. The smartwatch has been launched with interesting colour options including Olive Green, Sandy Cream, Pitch Black, and Deep Blue. The watch can be purchase from Amazon India’s official website as well Boat’s website.
boAt Watch Xtend Specifications
The boAt Watch Xtend comes equipped with a 1.69-inch LCD display. The Watch Xtend also offers over 50 cloud-based watch faces available via the Boat wave app. The boAt Xtend is coming with the built-in Alexa. The voice assistant compatibility allows you to set reminders, alarms, ask questions, and whatnot. So, just say ‘Alexa’ and enjoy the service. There is a knob on the right side to provide you the full control over the watch’s functionalities. On top of that, the screen brightness level adjusts automatically. No manual interaction is needed.
It comes with a stress monitor that indicates stress levels to be more than 80 and one can use the Guided Meditative Breathing app to regulate and relax with its 3 modes: slow, normal, and rapid. It is capable of pushing notification alerts for calls, texts, alarms, hydration, and social media apps.
As for the battery life, the watch packs a 300mAh battery which can deliver a battery backup for 7 days on a single charge. The smartwatch can even show notification alerts for calls, texts, alarms, hydration as well as third-party social media apps.
What are your thoughts about the boAt Watch Xtend? Do let us know in the comments below.
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