The Mi True Wireless Earphones 2C will be launched in India on October 15 (noon), exactly when the Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale will be closed to its Plus customers. Xiaomi teased the earphones saying that they would have a battery life of up to 20 hours. The Mi True Wireless Earphones 2C is already listed on Flipkart and will be available in a white color option. Mi True Wireless Earphones 2C (Chinese variant) comes with 14.2mm large drivers, Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity, dual microphones for ENC, and USB Type-C charging port. Xiaomi will be launching earphones with Mi 10T 5G and Mi 10T Pro 5G smartphones.
Mi True Wireless Earphones 2C: Price
Mi AirDots 2SE retails for a price of RMB 169 (approx Rs. 1,838) in China. The product has already been listed on Flipkart, which reveals a price tag of Rs. 3,499. This might be a third party listing, and we can expect the final pricing to be under Rs. 3,000 in India.
Mi True Wireless Earphones 2C: Features and Specifications
Mi True Wireless Earphones 2C features a semi-in-ear design and looks very similar to Mi True Wireless Earphones 2. The Mi True Wireless Earphones 2C has 14.2mm drivers. they will have a battery life of 20 hours and will take around 1.5 hours to charge. The earphones have a dual mic for noise cancellation and voice control. The Mi True Wireless Earphones 2C also comes with Bluetooth 5.0 and is compatible with Android and iOS devices. The earbuds weigh 4.7 grams each and come with a USB-Type C charging case. These TWS come with an infrared sensor for wear detection, and support gestures for volume, and track change.
What are your thought on Mi True Wireless Earphones 2C, and what you think could be the final pricing in India? Do let us know in the comments below.
Also Read: Apple Diwali Offer: Free AirPods With iPhone 11 via Apple Store Online Starting October 17 in India
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