Yesterday Night Indian Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi’s Twitter Account Has Been Hacked. The account using the handle @narendramodi, which has over has over 7.3 crore followers on the microblogging site, since been restored after the brief incident, the Prime Minister’s office said in a tweet.
Tweeted About India officially adopted bitcoin as legal tender. And The funniest part of it. Hacker Used Blogspot to share the joining link.
“The matter was escalated to Twitter and the account has been immediately secured,” it said. “In the brief period that the account was compromised, any Tweet shared must be ignored.” Before the account was secured, a tweet was sent from PM’s account with a URL falsely stating that India had officially adopted Bitcoin as the legal tender and that the country has bought 500 BTC which it would dist.
According to a cybersecurity expert, it is possible that the persons who hacked Modi’s account might have been part of a hacktivist group trying to make a political point. It could also be that the hackers sought to capitalise on the fluctuations in crypto prices and make money.
Twitter says ‘took steps’ to secure Modi’s account after early-morning hack
The Twitter handle of PM @narendramodi was very briefly compromised. The matter was escalated to Twitter and the account has been immediately secured.
In the brief period that the account was compromised, any Tweet shared must be ignored.
— PMO India (@PMOIndia) December 11, 2021
This comes as India is yet to recognize Bitcoin as a currency in the country, and is working on a bill, with some tweaks, which had proposed banning all private cryptocurrencies. Last month, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had said that the government had no proposal to recognize Bitcoin as a currency in the country.
जब Hackers, Modi ji के Account से
Bitcoin बेच रहे थे, तो चौकीदार कहाँ था?— Srinivas BV (@srinivasiyc) December 12, 2021