Realme recently confirmed that it will launch the Realme Narzo 30 and Narzo 30 5G smartphones in India on June 24. The company has now announced the launch of another product on the same day. Realme Buds Q2 will also make its debut in India, the company has confirmed officially. Also, the company has revealed some of the key features of the upcoming Buds Q2 via the amazon microsite. Let’s take a look at the Realme Buds Q2 Price & Features.
Realme Buds Q2 Expected Price
The Buds Q2 is said to cost around Rs. 2,499 in India. If this turns out to be true the Realme Buds Q2 with ANC and 88ms low latency gaming mode can also beat some mid-range earbuds. The Buds Q2 will retail in Black, and White color variants in India as confirmed via the amazon micro-site.
Realme Buds Q2 Features
Realme Buds Q2 will come with active noise cancellation and up to 28 hours of total playback with the charging case and supports environmental noise cancellation (ENC) for calls. The Buds Q2 may feature a USB-C port instead of the MicroUSB port that you see on the Realme Buds Q2 in Pakistan and the Buds Q from last year.
Users will be able to get about 3 hours of music playback on a short 10 minutes charge. The Indian version will have 10mm Bass Boost drivers, an 88ms low-latency Gaming Mode, gestures, support for the voice assistant, IPX4 water resistance. The upcoming Buds Q2 will be equipped with an in-house R2 chip. It will pack a 480mAh battery, and offer up to 28 hours of battery life with the charging capsule. The earbuds will offer 7 hours of music playback on a single charge.
What are your thoughts on Realme Buds Q2? Do let us know in the comments below.
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