Amazon has announced the Echo Show 8 (2nd generation) in India. The device is an upgrade over the Echo Show 8, which was launched in 2020. The 2nd generation Echo Show 8 comes with an 8-inch HD screen, an improved 13-megapixel camera, dual stereo speakers for balanced sound output. It features the overall same design and features as that of the Echo Show 5, except that you get a larger display. The Echo Show 8 (2nd Gen) also can double up as a photo frame. Let’s take a look ahead at the pricing and specifications of the Echo Show 8 (2nd Gen).
Amazon Echo Show 8 (2nd Gen) Price
The Echo Show 8 has been launched in India at a price of Rs 13,999, which is much lower compared to the Echo Show 10 that had been introduced by the tech giant at Rs 24,999. This makes Echo Show 8 a more affordable option in the Echo line-up.
The Amazon Echo Show 8 (2nd Gen) comes in Black and White colour options. You can purchase the new Echo Show 8 from the Amazon India website.
Amazon Echo Show 8 (2nd Gen) Specifications
The Echo Show 8 (2nd Gen) has an 8-inch HD touchscreen display. It has a 13-megapixel camera that comes with features like a built-in cover, pan, and zoom. Apart from using it for making video calls, it can be used to remotely monitor the room through the Alexa app or other Echo Show devices. It is powered by the MediaTek MT8183 chipset.
You can stream your favorite TV series or movies from Amazon Prime or Netflix on the Echo Show 8 (2nd Gen). Additionally, you can ask Alexa to play your favourite music from Amazon Prime Music, Spotify, JioSaavn, Apple Music, Hungama music or Gaana on the Echo device. Alexa will also show you music playlists or station recommendations based on the song playing.
Amazon claims that Echo Show devices are designed with multiple layers of privacy protection, including microphone and camera controls, and the ability to view and delete your voice recordings. Echo Show 8, like all new-generation devices, comes with built-in covers to close the camera.
The Echo Show 8 (2nd Gen) also has the ability to set alarms and timers which helps users to manage their day better. The Echo Show also doubles up as a photo frame as well.
What are your thoughts on the newly launched Echo Show 8 (2nd Gen? Do let us know in the comments below.
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