BoAt has launched a new pair of TWS earbuds in India. The earbuds dubbed Airdopes 281 Pro is the successor of the BoAt Airdopes 281 and the features include ENx technology, Bluetooth v5.1 for connectivity, and much more. The newly announced Airdopes 281 Pro were listed on Amazon last week. However, Yesterday the company has officially announced the pricing and availability details of these new TWS earbuds. Let’s take a look at theBoAt Airdopes 281 Pro Price, Features, and Specifications.
boAt Airdopes 281 Pro Price in India
Three color variants of the earbuds have been launched, Active Black, Blue Flame, Aqua Blue, and Viper Green. For the information of you people, let us tell you that the earbuds are currently available at an introductory price of Rs 1,999. You can get the earbuds even cheaper and those customers who book pre-order by June 25 and pay through prepaid transactions will be given Rs 200 cashback.
boAt Airdopes 281 Pro Features
boAt Airdopes 281 Pro comes with 6mm drivers, touch controls through which you can play and pause music and receive calls. The earbuds feature Bluetooth version 5.1 connectivity support, 4 mics, and ENx technology to give you great voice quality during voice calls. Apart from these, the TWS also has one-touch Google Assistant and Siri support.
If we talk about battery then, each earbud claims to deliver a battery life of up to six and half hours and 25 hours of battery life with the charging case. The charging case can be charged via Type-C port and ASAP Fast Charge technology of the Airdopes 281 Pro offers up to 60 minutes playback time with just 5 minutes of charge.
What are your thoughts about the BoAt Airdopes 281 Pro? Do let us know in the comments below.
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