Explanation Of All Minecraft Villager Jobs, All Minecraft villager jobs explained: In Minecraft, the villagers are passive mobs who live in villages, work in their occupations, breed, and work together. Their clothing varies, corresponding to their profession and biome. A player can deal with them utilizing emeralds as currency.
Minecraft villagers are Just like human beings. They wake up, finish their work for the day and go back to sleep; in this way, the developers have managed to keep it lively and interactive.
Some villagers have no jobs and are called “Nitwits” in Minecraft. These villagers normally go to their corresponding work blocks, don’t do anything, and call it a day. Minecraft villager tasks help players in different ways. They may be changing how the game is played individually for each player.

Professions Of Minecraft Villagers | Explanation Of All Minecraft Villager Jobs
Here is the list showing all the possible professions Minecraft villagers have done, excluding the Nitwits. Including the jobless, in Minecraft, there are 15 villager jobs. Of these, only 13 are useful occupations.
- Armorer
- Butcher
- Cartographer
- Cleric
- Farmer
- Fisherman
- Fletcher
- Leatherworker
- Librarian
- Mason/Stone Mason (JE/BE)
- Shepherd
- Toolsmith
- Weaponsmith
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Villagers’ Occupations in The Minecraft Game Explained
Since there are many villager jobs in Minecraft, the objects they trade are listed below:
- Armorer: Retails Armor iron, chains
- Butcher: Trades stew, meat, berries, and kelp blocks
- Cartographer: Trades banners + patterns, maps, compasses
- Cleric: Trades ender pearls (which are rarely found), enchanting/potion ingredients, Redstone,
- Farmer: Trades crops and food
- Fisherman: Trades campfires and fish items
- Fletcher: Trades arrows crossbows, bows
- Leatherworker: Trades leather items, hide, scouts,
- Librarian: Trades, clocks, name tags, lanterns, compasses, enchanted books
- Masons: Trades, polished stones, quartz, and terracotta
- Shepherd: Trades paintings, beds shears, wool, dyes
- Toolsmith: Trades harvesting tools, minerals, bells
- Weaponsmith: Trades enchanted weapons, minerals bells,
Job blocks in the game Minecraft
If players would like to get villagers with a certain job, they must get the corresponding job block in the game, which is listed further down:
- Armorer: Blast Furnace
- Butcher: Smoker
- Cartographer: Cartography Table
- Cleric: Brewing Stand
- Farmer: Composter
- Fisherman: Barrel
- Fletcher: Fletching Table
- Leatherworker: Cauldron
- Librarian: Lectern
- Masons: Stonecutter
- Shepherd: Loom
- Toolsmith: Smithing Table
- Weaponsmith: Grindstone
Minecraft villagers who are jobless (except for nitwits) can hunt for the nearest job block and declare to be engaged in Minecraft. This simple procedure does not take much of the player’s time.
Villagers Jobs and Trading Guide in Minecraft | Explanation Of All Minecraft Villager Jobs
Villagers are impartial mobs, meaning they will not attack you, but you don’t want to ignore them during your quest. Like mobs, they have some simple uses. Spending sufficient time helping around town and understanding to trade with the locals can boost your reputation and ultimately land you fantastic deals on the emeralds you’re mining.
Don’t be disheartened or confused by their discouraging attitude. We’ll show you how to recognise villager’s jobs and rank, get the most out of your villager’s business, breed new ones, and even earn extra goodwill by healing zombie villagers. Here we describe everything you need to know to turn into a Star Trader and even a Village Hero.
To visit a new village, most villagers have already been assigned tasks. So if you want to breed more villagers, you’ll be able to achieve the jobs they take by combining new job blocks nearby.
If you want to spend more time developing a village, this makes it much easier to obtain certain materials than explore them in the world. In addition, a villager’s trade value enhances as they obtain skill trading with you. So, advance in those early trades to reveal better items.
Working villagers will also wear a badge that indicates their level, while experienced villagers will offer the best trades:
- Novice: Stone
- Apprentice: Iron
- Journeyman: Gold
- Expert: Emerald
- Master: Diamond
How Villagers Get Their Jobs In Minecraft
It is important to know how these job roles are assigned to them. The work of the villagers depends on the utility blocks present around them. These blocks are also known as Job Site Blocks.
For example, if a composter is nearby a villager, it will automatically become a farmer occupation. But as you might expect, due to restricted utility blocks, many villagers are also unemployed.
However, if you choose to assign a specific occupation to a jobless villager, you can craft and place the utility blocks they need.
By doing this, the villager will choose the profession associated with that block. Then, you can trade with the same villager for absolutely unique items. To keep things simple, we’ve included recipes (crafting) for every job site block adjacent to job descriptions for each Minecraft village.
In What Way Do You Breed Your Minecraft Villagers?
You must increase the population if you need to gain access to more villagers with different tasks. Although it may seem a little strange to you to engage in breeding your villagers, you can breed them just like a mob of animals. However, unlike animal breeding, you will need extra bedding in addition to food offerings.
Villagers will breed themselves, so you don’t have to play angel. But if you need to speed up the process, ensure they have enough food since a full appetite puts a villager in a loving mood. For example, a villager will be satisfied by eating 3 loaves of bread, 12 potatoes, 12 carrots or 12 beetroots.
You must do this with two villagers and make sure they are close to each other. Finally, you need to offer each of them a bed and an extra bed for the incoming baby. You can set up a whole breeding workshop if you want.
Another way to get more villagers is to heal rare zombie villagers. For example, cast a Weakness Splash Potion on a zombified villager and supply them with a golden apple to make them human again.
The Final Thought
Now that you have knowledge about all the details of the Minecraft Village jobs, you’re ready to make the most of your survival world. And there’s no better place to start than with the best Minecraft village seeds. You can use them in Minecraft 1.17 and previous versions to spawn directly into different unique villagers.