HP Spectre x360 14 convertible laptop has finally launched in India. The laptop brings a 90.33 per cent screen-to-body ratio and adaptive intelligence to the table. It is the world’s first 2-in-1 convertible laptop that features a tall, 3:2 aspect ratio display. The Spectre x360 has been one of the most recognisable names in the HP laptop portfolio, and with its latest generation, marks an evolution in its aesthetic design language to include the tall display layout. Let’s take a look at the HP Spectre x360 14 specs, price, and other details.
HP Spectre x360 14: Price and Availability
The new HP Spectre x360 14 is priced in India starting at Rs. 1,19,999. It is available via HP online store, Amazon, HP World stores, and other large-format retail stores. It is available in two colour options – Nightfall Black with Copper Luxe accents, and Poseidon Blue with Pale Brass highlights.
HP Spectre x360 14 Specifications
The newly launched HP Spectre x360 14 2-in-1 laptop comes with a 15-inch OLED display that is tucked in a 13.5-inch form factor. The display comes with Eyesafe protection, which according to the company minimizes eye strain caused by blue light. It also comes with an anti-reflective coating. It features a 3:2 aspect ratio that offers roughly 20% more vertical viewing space than a 16:9 ratio display. It also features Corning Gorilla Glass NBT protection and it offers 400 nits of brightness.
Under the hood, the HP Spectre x360 14 is powered by 11th-Gen Intel Core processors paired with Intel Iris Xe graphics. HP claims that the convertible can last for up to 17 hours on a full charge. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth 5.0 support. You also get Thunderbolt 4 support with the premium machine.
It is also claimed to come with an AI audio boost, which will seemingly improve the intrinsic audio quality and balance of the quad Bang & Olufsen branded speakers on the laptop. It further features two USB-C 4.0 ports with Thunderbolt 4 and DisplayPort 1.4 support, one USB-A port and a 3.5mm port, a 66Wh battery, an integrated HD webcam, a full-size backlit keyboard and weighs upward of 1.36kg.
What are your thoughts on the newly launched HP Spectre x360 14? Do let us know in the comments below.
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