Lava on Monday announced its entry into the true wireless segment with the launch of Probuds at just Rs 1 as an introductory offer. The earbuds are launching with an introductory offer that will enable users to purchase them at just Rs 1 on Lava E-store as well on Amazon and Flipkart. The new earbuds have an in-ear design that has been created after performing various trials and studying inner ear contours, Lava claims. They come with a charging case and claim to offer 25 hours of total playback time. Let’s take a look at the Lava ProBuds Price, Features, and Specifications.
Lava Probuds Price in India
The new Lava Probuds TWS earbuds are priced in India at Rs. 2,199. They will be available via the Lava e-store, Amazon, and Flipkart online stores from June 24. The sale will begin at 12 pm (noon) wherein a few buyers will get a chance to grab the earbuds for just Re. 1 as part of an introductory offer. Lava will make only a limited amount of Probuds available for this offer. It comes in a single black colour finish and will bundle a one-year warranty.
Lava Probuds Features
Lava Probuds comes with 11.6mm advanced drivers and a MediaTek Airoha chipset. Lava has tuned the drivers to amplify low-end frequencies, making it ideal for bass-heavy music. The Probuds come with instant ‘Wake and Pair Technology’, and enter connection mode as soon as the charging case lid is opened. Connectivity options include Bluetooth v5.0 and a Micro-USB port for charging. Users can access the voice assistant function by tapping twice on the right earbud.
Probuds offers a 25-hour long music playtime which is backed by 55mAh (each bud) battery and 500mAh case battery. The device is ergonomically designed after performing various trials and studying inner ear contours which makes them ideal for prolonged use, the company said. The earbuds weigh 77 grams and come in a matte black finish. Users will also get silicone ear tips in three sizes-small, medium, and large.
What are your thoughts about the Lava Probuds? Do let us know in the comments below.
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