Sennheiser HD 25 headphones have been launched in the Indian market as Special Blue Limited Edition. These special limited edition headphones come with blue earpads in India and are priced very attractively. The new headphones still offer the same configuration in terms of audio, but can now be bought in a new colour shade that offers blue earpads on the supra-aural headphone build. Let’s take a look at the Sennheiser HD 25 Blue headphones Price, Features, and Specifications.
Sennheiser HD 25 Blue Pricing
The Sennheiser HD 25 price in India is set at Rs. 8,499. It is up for grabs on Amazon India and offers include no-cost EMI options. The limited-edition headphones come with blue earpads and a one-side wire.
Sennheiser HD 25 Blue Specifications
The Sennheiser HD 25 Blue are wired earphones that come with an output rating of 16Hz to 22kHz. They weigh about 140 grams without the cable and have a nominal impedance of 70 ohms. The frequency response range is between 16Hz and 22,000Hz. It uses dynamic drivers, which is the most common form of drivers used in mainstream audio gear. These dynamic drivers are paired with a 70-ohm impedance circuit. This particular circuit supports very high-powered audio output channels, which is an added bonus.
As mentioned, the closed-back HD 25 offer high attenuation of background noise and are capable of handling very high sound pressure levels. The maximum sound pressure level on the Sennheiser HD 25 is listed to be at 120dB. These headphones are designed to be extremely robust, to perform optimally in noisy environments such as ENG, sound reinforcement, studio monitoring, and audio equipment testing. It has been said about these headphones that it will prove to be best for people with professions like DJ and cameraman.
What are your thoughts about the Sennheiser HD 25 Blue headphones? Do let us know in the comments below.
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