Realme is gearing up for the launch of the Realme 8 series in India. The company has already teased some of the Realme 8 and 8 Pro specifications ahead of the launch. It has not just confirmed the 108-megapixel Samsung HM2 primary camera for the device along with some other camera-centric features but has also indicated an imminent India launch soon. Realme 8 Pro is likely to feature a 4,500 mAh battery with support for 65W fast-charging. It will run on Realme UI 2.0. The charging speed is not a step ahead of Realme 8 Pro’s predecessor. Realme 7 Pro also featured 65W SuperDart fast-charging technology. The smartphone was also spotted on the FCC certification database. Let’s take a look at the Realme 8 Pro specifications, features, and other details leaked via Geekbench.
Realme smartphone with model number RMX3081 spotted on Geekbench [Source]
Realme is expected to launch at least two smartphones under the Realme 8 series. The company has already confirmed some of the specifications. Now, an alleged Realme device, speculated to be the standard Realme 8 Pro, has been spotted on Geekbench.
The Geekbench 5 listings suggest that the device will come with a Qualcomm Snapdragon processor clocked at 2.32GHz and an Adreno 618 GPU. This means the device will feature a Snapdragon 720G SoC.
Realme 8 Pro Specifications
Realme 8 Pro has been confirmed to feature a 108MP camera at the Realme Camera Innovation Event 2021. The camera will come with a new Tilt-Shift video mode that blurs the foreground and background while focusing on the subject. The front panel will remain flat and sport a punch-hole cutout on the top-left corner. It is unknown if the device will come with an IPS LCD or an AMOLED. There is also no word on support for a high refresh rate screen.
Realme 8 Pro is expected to come with a 4,500mAh battery that supports 65W fast charging. It may run Android 11-based Realme UI 2.0 out-of-the-box. The device will feature a Snapdragon 720G SoC.
Realme 8 Specifications
Realme CEO Madhav Sheth recently teased some of the specifications for the vanilla Realme 8 by sharing an image of the retail box. The phone will feature a 6.4-inch Super AMOLED display and will be powered by the MediaTek Helio G95 SoC. It will be backed by a 5,000mAh battery with support for 30W Dart Charge fast charging. These details suggest that the Pro variant may have a smaller battery than the vanilla variant but could come with more than double the charging speed.
What are your thoughts on the Realme 8 Series? Do let us know in the comments below.
Image Credit: All the images shown here are a collection of screenshots taken on my device but all the rights are reserved to their original creators and Google Play Store.
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