Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 10 series earlier this year in India. The budget Redmi smartphones come in three different models, each having multiple storage options. Sitting at the bottom is the Redmi Note 10, which was originally launched for Rs 11,999. It looks like Xiaomi has quietly increased the price of the entry-level model in India. In India is hiked by Rs 500 starting today i.e April 29th, The new price hike is also reflecting on Amazon and comes just a month and a half after its launch.
New Redmi Note 10 price in India
Xiaomi launched the Redmi Note 10 in India for Rs 11,999. A few weeks after the launch, the smartphone’s price has increased by Rs 500.
The new Redmi Note 10 price in India is Rs 12,499 for the 4GB/ 64GB variant, up from Rs 11,999, while the 6GB/128GB model sets you back by Rs 14,499, up from Rs 13,999. The handset is available via Amazon and offline stores.
Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Specifications
The Redmi Note 10 sports a 6.43-inch FHD+ AMOLED panel with a standard 60Hz refresh rate, 1100 nits brightness, and Corning Gorilla Glass 3 layer. At the core of the handset lies Snapdragon 678 SoC, which is aided by up to 6GB RAM and 128GB storage. For photography, the Redmi Note 10’s quad rear cameras comprise a 48MP Sony IMX582 primary sensor, an 8MP ultra-wide sensor, and a couple of 2MP snappers for macro and depth shots.
The front camera of the phone is headlined by a 13MP sensor in the punch-hole mechanism. The handset runs Android 11-based MIUI 12 out of the box and houses a 5,000mAh battery. The phone’s connectivity options and fast charging support are the same as the Redmi Note 10 series models.
What are your thoughts on the Redmi Note 10 New Pricing? Do let us know in the comments below.
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