Earlier this month, Krafton announced that it will soon be launching Battlegrounds Mobile India. The new mobile game replaces PUBG Mobile in India, which was banned in the country in August 2020. Now, ahead of the Battlegrounds Mobile India launch, Krafton has announced that starting 18 May, users in India will be able to pre-register for the mobile game on the Google Play store. Users who sign up will get special rewards. The company announced that these rewards will be specific to Indian players only. Users can visit the game’s Google Play Store page and click on the “Pre-Register” button. They will automatically get the rewards once the game launches. Let’s take a look at more details on Battlegrounds Mobile India pre-registration, rewards, etc.
Battlegrounds Mobile India: Age restrictions, spending limits, and what else is confirmed
PUBG Players below 18 years of age will have new restrictions. They will need to register for the game with a phone number that belongs to their parent or guardian. It is not clear how Battlegrounds Mobile India will verify the age and what process will be used.
Further, those who are under the age of 18 can only access the game for a maximum time limit of three hours every day. The developer is also restricting their spending limits. Previously, there were reports of teens spending lakhs of rupees on the game for in-app purchases. Now, it will be limited to Rs 7,000 per day for under 18 players, with regard to the in-app purchases.
When is the launch?
Krafton has even launched an exclusive website for BATTLEGROUNDS MOBILE INDIA. The official release date for the game has not been announced yet. But we can expect the launch in the first week of June. It is not yet known whether the game will be available for download on iOS because Krafton has not said anything about pre-registration on Apple devices. PUBG Mobile was available for downloading both Android and iOS.
It further confirmed that Battlegrounds Mobile India is a free-to-play game on mobile devices. It means that users can download the app for free from the Google Play Store. We can expect it to release on iOS as well very soon.
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