Best 5 Women’s Safety Apps That Every Women Must Have

Women’s safety in India is a huge issue with it taking a back seat. The amount of violence against women has increased many folds due to the greater exposure of women in every field of life. Also, it is completely not possible for the family to always be with her to protect her😟. But we are living in the era of technology. With the advancement in technology and government aid, app-based personal safety has surfaced as the most viable option because of its versatility and accuracy. As safety apps are becoming a basic necessity in today’s world, I have therefore assembled a list of the Best 5 Women’s Safety Apps That Every Women Must Have.👩‍💻




After an incident of sexual assault, Charlen and her father developed bSafe, one of the most advanced and reliable personal safety apps in the world claimed by this App Developer. This app creates a social safety net for those who will get a notification in case of an emergency situation. It also provides an alarm that sends the exact location and audio-visuals of the surrounding areas. It is possible to set a timer that automatically sends an alarm to friends if the user fails to return in time to turn off the alarm. With bSafe, you can have a track of your family members and friends in terms of their locations and help them in case of any emergency.

App Features:

🧷You can send an SOS signal with just a tap of a button.

🧷This app lets you stream emergency video and record it.

🧷It sends your loved ones the live locations in panic situations.

🧷Fake call feature to get you out of an unpleasant situation.



Download link: Google Play Store

2. My Safetipin



My Safetipin is a Personal Safety app that helps you make safer decisions about your mobility, based on the safety score of an area. Safetipin calculates the safety score of a place based on 9 parameters, and your contribution allows us to continuously update the data to reflect how people feel in a place. Landing in an unknown area is always scary and one has to be very alert while traveling in such areas. The safety score is calculated based on the 9 parameters.

These parameters include Openness, Lighting, Visibility, People, Security, Walk Path, Public Transport, Gender Usage, Feeling. It lets you share your location with your loved ones and they will be alerted if you step-in to a low safety score area.

App Features:

🧷This app notifies your loved ones if you are traveling on the wrong route.

🧷It lets you find the safest route available.

🧷It alerts your family members if you enter into the low safety score area.



Download link: Google Play Store

3.Disha SOS



DISHA is a step towards the safety and location of the Andhra Pradesh government. Disha SOS services help women and citizens in emergency situations. It is also integrated with needful information like nearby safety places, nearby police stations, nearby hospitals, and useful contacts. Disha contains a tracking safety feature for every user. This APP also gives you phone numbers that you can dial to get emergency help and support. DISHA also contains links like Helpline Numbers.

App Features:

🧷It has a location tracking feature.

🧷It has in-built information about the police station and hospitals.

🧷It lets you know the safe places nearby your location at the time of emergency.



Download link: Google Play Store

4.Kavalan SOS



Tamil Nadu Police Department is proud to bring to people of the state, the KAVALAN SOS App as a part of the Tamil Nadu State Police Master Control Room initiative, which the people of Tamil Nadu can use to seek police assistance instantly in emergency situations such as physical emergencies, eve-teasing, kidnapping or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, etc. In order to filter the fake calls claiming to be an emergency, this app helps you verify the relevant ones and saves the time of police. Kavalan makes sure that all the details provided by the user are safe and will be hampered.

App Features:

🧷It sends your location to your pre-registered emergency contacts in case of any emergency.

🧷It works in an offline mode as well, the alerts are sent via SMS.

🧷It automatically records the video through your back camera after pressing the SOS button.



Download link: Google Play Store




SHEROES is the largest social networking app and personal app for women where women like you share their interests through videos and posts, use the free women helpline, get free health advice, find and share recipes, make new friends, get free legal advice, get relationship advice, get free beauty and fashion tips, get the best work from home opportunities, earn from home with top companies and learn about reselling. Now loans for women at cheaper interest rates are also available on SHEROES.

App Features:

🧷It is absolutely free of cost.

🧷It helps you get connected with doctors, experts in your field and etc.

🧷It lets you share your images and videos.


 Download link: Google Play Store

Image Credit: All the images shown here are a collection of screenshots taken on my device but all the rights are reserved to their original creators and Google Play Store.

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